Hama-dori, situated in eastern Fukushima Prefecture facing the Pacific Ocean, consists of three cities the main city being Iwaki, nine townships and three villages. Covering 2,971 square kilometers, the region accounts for about 22% of the prefecture's total land area. The southern half of Hama-dori, with Iwaki City as its center, was once Honshu's largest coal mining base. Nowadays, the district is a key trading and energy-supply center as well as a base for marine industries and recreational activities. Construction projects either completed or currently under way include seaports, industrial parks and large-scale power generation plants, including nuclear power plants.
Geographically, the Hama-dori region is a lowland with a rather straight coast-line about 159 kilometers in length. It borders the Naka-dori region in the Abukuma mountains to the west. Visitors to the coast can enjoy magnificent views of the Pacific Ocean, fishing, and a delicious variety of seafood. Scenic beaches abound, and in the summer many people visit the region's coast to engage in marine activities. Another attraction in Hama-dori is the many beautiful ravines, formed by rivers, large and small, which originate in the Abukuma mountains and flow into the Pacific.
Because of its coastal climate, the region is the warmest in the prefecture, and the first to enjoy the flowering of the cherry blossoms that herald the beginning of spring. In summer, the ocean breeze is particularly pleasant, and in winter snow-fall is light, in contrast to the prefecture's Aizu region, which often receives heavy snow.
Iwaki City
Iwaki city is the largest city (its area is a twice bigger than Singapore) in Japan, and is located in the southern part of Fukushima Prefecture. Many exciting spots such as an old castle town, fishing ports, industrial areas, spas and beaches can be found within the city limits. Since Iwaki is located on the Pacific Ocean side, its climate is relatively mild when compared with the rest of the northeastern part of Japan. Because winter in Iwaki is mild, there are rich sea and mountain products which are caught and sold by generous peddlers. Thus the mild climate has been giving wonderful living conditions to the people who living here. Iwaki also has a long history of accepting foreigners to work its coal mines. Since Joban-jidosha-do (an express way) was opened in 1988, the city has become more convenient for people to travel between Iwaki and Tokyo which may explain the rapid growth of Iwaki city. (the picture shown is Marine Tower).
Iwaki city in Hamam-dori Fukushima just may be what your looking for while traveling in the Tohoku region of Japan. From Great beaches and seafood to old castles I hope everyone enjoys thier stay in Hama-dori.
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